The recipe I use for pushing Tri-x to 1600 with Rodinal is as follows.
Mix Rodinal 6mL with 600mL water at 68F. This is the 1:100 mix ratio.
After film is in tank, rinse it with water 3 times.
After rinse, add Rodinal mixture and start your stopwatch.
Agitate for 30 seconds slowly, tap tank on table let sit for 30 minutes.
At 30 minute mark, agitate 4 times and tap tank let it sit 30 more minutes.
At 60 minute mark, agitate 4 times and tap tank let it sit 30 more minutes.
At 90 minute mark, dump developer and rinse 3 times with running water.
FIXER: — Ilford Rapid Fixer 1 part fixer to 4 parts water at 68F.
I use 150 ML of fixer and 600ML of water. I store this in a large dark colored plastic jug. It is reusable.
Zero your stopwatch and start it again.
Now add fixer mix list above. Agitate 3 times and tap tank. Let sit for 1 minute. At end of each minute agitate 3 times. Continue this fixing process for a total of 5 minutes.
Rinse film with running water for 4 to 5 minutes.
Use Foto-Flo wash additive if you prefer, or use straight water if you want.
Hang up negatives to dry.
Further notes:
Many people say temperature is not super critical and and any normal room temp will work. Personally I like to keep the developer and fixer at 68F when I pour them in the tank. being consistent on temperature helps remove one more variable, regardless of how minor that variable may be.
I do not use stop bath for stand development. I use the water rinse and then go right to fixer.
I reuse my fixer several times and test it before use. Here is link on to test your fixer. link
These are pictures developed with this exact recipe. You can see there is more film grain than would be the case at box speed with modern developers. I find the grain an acceptable trade off to be able to shoot film in this low light with no tripod or flash.
This the exact recipe I use for pushing Kodak Tri-X or Ilford HP5 to 1600 speed with Rodinal. I hope this helps simplify the process for people who want to shoot film but are confused by all the conflicting recipe information I see on the internet.
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